I have really neglected this blog up until now. I am going to try to not let that happen again in 2012.
So many new designs are swirling around in my head and I'm going to try to highlight them here.
In the coming days I will be introducing you to new mice. They are approximately 11" tall and come standing on wooden painted bases....no tipping for them! The first one is for St. Patrick's Day and she is a beauty.
♥Miss Piper Jolie Welcome Levinson♥
I will be visiting my granddaughter Piper in California next week. I leave on 1 March and return on 6 March. She turns six on 4 March and she will be having an "Eloise" Party. I can
not wait to see her and her little sister Natalie. We are going to have so much fun together...
When I return I'll have some fun pictures to show you.
Until then stay focused on the soon to come Spring,
the Mousemaker